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Longbranch Improvement Club & Longbranch Foundation 2017 Annual Report

In 2017, we worked to preserve our properties and environment, and to provide resources needed in the community.  Our highlights include the following:


Membership:  We gained 50 members in 2017 for a year-end total of 201 people.  We created a new membership class called “Friends of the LIC”, which is free and includes our monthly Newsletter and email communications about events.  The LIC is a 100% volunteer organization, and our members logged more than 5,630 hours for dozens of activities in 2017.

Our monthly membership meetings feature either potluck dinners or desserts.  Odd numbered months have a dessert potluck and feature programs ranging from local interest to world-wide adventures.  You need not be a member to attend meetings and are invited to do so – meetings are normally the third Wednesday of the month starting at 6:30pm, except December when it is the second Wednesday.  

Buildings and Grounds:  In 2017, the LIC received its second Preservation Grant from Pierce County for restoration work on our historic clubhouse.  The work included renovating windows, installing correct period doors, and staining / painting the kitchen cupboards, supports and ceiling timbers in the meeting room.  We will apply for another grant in 2018 to continue the restoration. Incidentally, the plaque commemorating the building’s listing on the National Historic Register indicates it was built in 1938, so we’re marking its 80th year!

The trail system was expanded and portions re-graveled with the help of Boy Scouts, who also assisted with replacement of a long bridge over the creek flowing through the property, and construction of two shorter pedestrian bridges.

Events and Activities:  We held numerous events in 2017, including “Suds & Spuds” in March, and three holiday weekend dances (Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day weekends).  Our “Kids & Christmas” program followed through with the pledge that every child who attends receives at least one gift at Christmas time. More than 150 children attended in 2017, had lunch, and went home with a gift that came about from our partnership with the “Toys for Tots” program.  Forty-seven local Girl Scouts hosted craft tables so the kids could make ornaments and gifts.

The LIC again participated in the Key Peninsula Farm Tour and hosted its Fiber Arts Festival, showcasing numerous artists that work with threads and other fiber mediums.  It also hosted, along with Evergreen Elementary PTA and local Girl Scouts, approximately 400 kids at “Trunk – or – Treat” in October, which included a haunted house, crafts, gifts, and treats galore.  The LIC is part of the “Adopt-A-Road” program and we conducted two clean-ups of approximately three miles of K P Hwy.

These activities are a rich part of the LIC heritage and we look forward to even greater participation from the community in the years to come.  (See also for more info.)

Marina:  We passed the 60 year mark in operating the Longbranch Marina.  It presently has 40 moorage slips ranging in length from 22’ to 40’, plus a dinghy dock float for visiting boaters that anchor out in Filucy Bay.  Approximately 1/3 of the marina’s linear footage is devoted to guest moorage and we hosted 960 guest moorage overnight visits in 2017.

The LIC agreed to a new 15-year Aquatic Lands Lease with the WA Department of Natural Resources in April 2017.  This lease requires a number of future upgrades designed to improve Filucy Bay water quality and public safety.

In 2017, seven creosote pilings were replaced with steel pilings.  Over the past seven years, the LIC has invested significantly to make upgrades that enhance water quality, marine life and public safety. Recently, a grant from the State was approved for additional environmental and public safety measures, and that grant gives us a jumpstart on our upgrade schedule.


The Longbranch Foundation, established in 2016, is dedicated to “Investing in the South Key Community”.  In 2017, TLF financially supported LIC goals to maintain and improve our historic clubhouse and recreational grounds.

Thanks to incredible support from the community and LIC members at our biennial dinner and auction, enough money was raised to establish a sustainable plan that increases support for Key Peninsula children over time.  In our Higher Ed Scholarship program, TLF awarded two new scholarships to Peninsula High School students and one continuing scholarship. In our Student Programs, TLF increased the level of support to send Evergreen Elementary School 5th Graders to Environmental Camp.  The plan for 2018 is to again increase funding for both programs.

In addition, TLF was able to donate to Red Barn Youth Center and the KP Farm Council.  Support for qualifying organizations comes from targeted donations as well as filling grant requests.  Grants are currently awarded to qualifying organizations on a rolling basis, but we will be implementing a change in 2018 to a fixed schedule.  Please check our website ( for grant processing information.

In February 2018, we held our first Annual TLF Open House.  The charitable purposes of the Foundation were explained by LIC volunteers and many members of the community stopped by to learn more about us.  In addition, LIC volunteers are currently planning the “Longbranch Super Sale” scheduled for April 28th with proceeds going to preserve and improve our historic building and grounds.


The Longbranch Improvement Club has remained committed for nearly 100 years to fulfilling its mission, which is “… for the Betterment of the Community”, and it is now joined by The Longbranch Foundation in that effort.  Both organizations are evolving and we look forward to continuing to improve our support for the South Key Peninsula. Much credit goes to our members and residents of the broader community – Thank You!

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